Neurosurgery, also called Neurological Surgery is the surgery of the nervous system. It is the treatment for an injury, disease/disorder caused to the brain, spinal cord or peripheral nervous system. It is commonly known as brain surgery. A Neurosurgeon carries a series of tests to understand the issue and accordingly provides a diagnosis and treatment.
It is the injuries that affect the brain and/or spinal cord of the individuals. There are multiple different things that can cause head and spine injury like sports injury, accidents, fracture of the spine, bullet or stab wound, falls, electric shock and many more. The most common of them all are sports injuries and accidents.
Suffering from such an injury? Our team of capable doctors are here to help you get back to your best self. Book an appointment with us today.
Brain Tumors are masses of abnormal cancerous or non-cancerous cells in parts of the brain. There is no specific cause for a brain tumor but there are many symptoms like increasingly sharp headaches, loss of balance, confusion, seizures and blurred vision, etc,. It could be asymptomatic as well.
Do not ignore the signs and help us treat it at the earliest. If you are already suffering from it, do not procrastinate. Call us now and book an appointment.
Headaches are quite common these days with the busy lives we all lead. It is a throbbing, constant, sharp to dull pain in the head and face. We often overlook headaches because it's common. It could be a headache caused due to something as simple as tension or stress, or something more complicated like due to migraine, digestive problem or a sinus.
Visit us today if you have a headache for prolonged periods and let us help you get rid of it.
Stroke or a brain attack is caused when a blood vessel in the brain bursts or when there is something blocking the blood supply to part of the brain preventing brain tissue to oxygen. Stroke is quite serious as it can cause long term disability, lasting brain damage or in some cases, even death.
There are multiple symptoms of the condition, anytime you experience paralysis, trouble in speaking, walking or understanding and when you feel numbness in the arm, face or leg. Seek medical help immediately, we have 24hr emergency care to help you.
There are many conditions that can cause hand and leg weakness like an injury, infection, diabetes, hypothyroidism, etc,. It starts like a tingling sensation and spreads to different parts of the body. It could also be the result of hyperactivity or any other sports injury.
Our team of doctors will be able to help you address such an issue by giving you the right treatment. Call us now to book an appointment!